
5 Myths of Conventional Philanthropy

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 15/10/2024 This guide outlines five common myths that underlie conventional philanthropy mindsets, with clear c...

Strategic Focal Points for Trust-Based Boards

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 10/10/2024 As the key governing body, a foundation’s board of trustees supports executive leadership and ensu...

Grantmaking Operations with a Trust-Based Lens

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 08/10/2024 Historically, grantmaking systems and operations have been designed with a specific customer in mind...

Great Funder–Nonprofit Relationships Toolkit

POR Exponent Philanthropy EM 30/08/2024 This toolkit from Exponent Philanthropy is designed to help funders recognize the aspects of great r...

Guidelines for Interactions with Community-Based Organization Grantees and Their Communities

POR Firelight EM 28/08/2024 This tool from the Firelight Foundation offers guidelines for centering justice and solidarity in al...

Enabling Trust-Based Practices: 4 Tips for Grants Management Systems

POR Technology association of grantmakers EM 28/08/2024 This guide provides specific suggestions for a key element of trust-based structures: The grants man...

A intersecção entre filantropia baseada em confiança & equidade racial

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE EM 14/08/2024 A filantropia baseada em confiança e a promoção da equidade racial estão intrinsecamente conecta...

Fazendo o dever de Casa

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE EM 30/07/2024 A filantropia baseada em confiança incentiva os doadores a se verem como colaboradores, aprendizes ...

Roadmap to Trust-Based Transformation

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 10/07/2024 While the exact pathways for becoming a trust-based foundation are not necessarily linear or identic...

As 7 responsabilidades de Conselhos baseados em confiança

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE EM 27/06/2024 A filantropia baseada em confiança convida os membros dos conselhos das fundações a reconhecer se...

Operações de doação: refletindo sobre o processo de doar por meio de uma perspectiva baseada em confiança

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE EM 29/05/2024 O presente guia, juntamente com as fontes aqui indicadas, ajudará os doadores a preparar o terreno ...

Guia das periferias para doadores

POR Iniciativa PIPA EM 22/05/2024 Este guia é destinado às empresas, instituições, financiadores e fundações que se preocupam em...

Como uma Filantropia Baseada em Confiança é diferente da Filantropia Convencional?

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE EM 02/05/2024 Ainda que duas instituições possam partilhar a mesma missão, a forma como buscam concretizá-la p...

Um modelo baseado em confiança para aprendizado e Avaliação na Filantropia

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project, Center for Evaluation Innovation e GIFE EM 20/09/2023 Este guia – traduzido para o português pelo GIFE com autorização do Trust-Based Philanthropy Pr...

6 práticas de doação da Filantropia Baseada em Confiança

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE EM 19/09/2023 Não raramente as fundações acabam atrapalhando as organizações da sociedade civil (OSC) na exec...

Filantropia Baseada em Confiança: Ferramenta de Autorreflexão

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE EM 13/09/2023 A filantropia baseada em confiança é uma abordagem holística que considera centrais os valores fo...

Filantropia Baseada em Confiança (FBC) em 4D

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE EM 12/09/2023 Este guia – traduzido para o português pelo GIFE com autorização do Trust-Based Philanthropy Pr...

Strategies for Narrowing the Power Gap in Philanthropy

POR PEAK Grantmaking EM 10/08/2023 Effective grantmaking organizations intentionally redefine the power balance with grantees, recogniz...

Grantmaking with a Racial Justice Lens: A Practical Guide

POR Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity (PRE) EM 03/08/2023 “Grantmaking with a Racial Justice Lens: A Practical Guide” provides grantmakers with reflection...

How is Trust-Based different from Conventional Philanthropy?

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 13/07/2023 While two institutions may share the same mission, how they carry it out can vary widely. Trust-base...

Acelerando doações equitativas: o momento para normalizar o financiamento plurianual e flexível é agora

POR Funding For Real Change, MilwayPLUS e Ford Foundation EM 07/06/2023 Este guia de táticas, recursos, exemplos e pontos de partida se propõe a ajudar financiadores e OS...

Guidelines for Re-granting

POR Oak Foundation EM 25/05/2023 In spring 2011 Grant Makers for Effective Organisations (GEO) surveyed all Oak Foundation programme ...

Funders for Real Cost, Real Change: Indirect Cost Rate Guide

POR Funders for Real Cost, Real Change (FRC) and BDO USA EM 06/01/2023 This guide provides a framework for determining and calculating an overall indirect cost (IDC) rate ...

Interest in participatory grantmaking leads to… where?

POR Alliance magazine and Participatory Grantmakers Community EM 03/01/2023 There was significant interest in Participatory Grantmaking at Philea’s Forum. But where will this...

5 Myths of Traditional Philanthropy: A Response to Common Misperceptions About Trust-Based Principles

POR The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 03/11/2021 This guide outlines five common myths and misperceptions that come up in discussions about trust-bas...

How To Show Up in a Trust-Based Way

POR The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 03/11/2021 Trust-based philanthropy is not just about organizational policies and practices; it’s about how p...

Building Trust Through Regular Check-Ins: A Resource for Funders

POR The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 03/11/2021 How can funders approach grantee check-in meetings to foster productive relationships and glean impo...

Trust-Based Philanthropy: Legal Considerations

POR The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 03/11/2021 Oftentimes in philanthropy, people tend to think of legal considerations in the context of complianc...

Skeptic’s Corner: FAQ’s about trust-based philanthropy

POR The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 03/11/2021 This guide outlines the top ten most frequently asked questions about how foundations can adopt a tr...

7 Responsibilities of A Trust-Based Board

POR The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 03/11/2021 Trust-based philanthropy invites foundation board members to recognize their critically important ro...

The 6 Grantmaking Practices of Trust-Based Philanthropy

POR The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 03/11/2021 Too often, foundations get in the way of nonprofits doing the work they know best. This can slow dow...

Trust-Based Philanthropy: Self-Reflection Tool

POR The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 03/11/2021 Trust-based philanthropy is a holistic approach that requires alignment in a grantmaking organizatio...

Trust-Based Philanthropy in 4D

POR The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 03/11/2021 This guide is intended for grantmaking practitioners who are ready to live into their values to cult...

Making it Happen: A Conversation Guide

POR The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) EM 03/11/2021 This companion piece to “New Attitudes, Old Practices: The Provision of Multiyear General Operati...

Philanthropy and COVID-19 in the first half of 2020

POR Candid; Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) EM 27/09/2021 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on communities worldwide was swift, hard and devastating especia...

Listening During COVID-19: A Framework for Funders

POR Feedback Labs EM 27/09/2021 Funders are feeling the need to confront the COVID-19 pandemic quickly and effectively. Listening, e...

Filantropia Colaborativa

POR GIFE EM 23/09/2021 O terceiro volume da série “Temas do Investimento Social” aborda o conceito de Filantropia Co...

Filantropia da Próxima Geração: encontrando o caminho entre tradição e inovação

POR Instituto para o Desenvolvimento do Investimento Social (IDIS); Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors EM 23/09/2021 Esta publicação integra a coleção “Philanthropy Roadmap”, iniciativa da Rockfeller Philanthr...

Por um Brasil + Doador, Sempre

POR Movimento por uma Cultura de Doação EM 17/09/2021 Como promover a cultura de doação no Brasil? Como engajar novos atores e articular este ecossistem...

Boas práticas na relação entre financiadores e donatários

POR GIFE EM 17/09/2021 Com o título “Boas práticas na relação entre financiadores e donatários”, este segundo núm...

Impact Investing: an introduction

POR Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors EM 11/06/2020 This guide is part of the Philanthropy Roadmap series and is expressly written for donors who may wi...

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Toolkit for Consultants to Grantmakers

POR National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers EM 02/05/2020 This toolkit consists of key resources recommended by leading experts whose work focuses on diversit...

Governance and Grantmaking: Approaches to achieve greater diversity, equity and inclusion

POR Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC) EM 02/05/2020 As a first step to assisting foundations with their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) journey, P...

Engaging Boards and Trustees in Strategic Learning

POR Foundation Strategy Group (FSG)|Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) EM 02/05/2020 Effecting social change in a rapidly changing political environment and an increasingly interconnect...

Finding Your Focus in Philanthropy

POR Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors EM 02/05/2020 Many people come to philanthropy with their focus fully formed. They know what issues they want to t...

Giving in Challenging Times

POR Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors EM 02/05/2020 In 2008, in the wake of the global financial crisis, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA) publis...

Making Change Happen: Creating an Outcome-Based Strategy

POR Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors EM 02/05/2020 Planning for a philanthropic journey starts with identifying the destination. In other words, donors...

An Introductory Guide to Grantmaking

POR Philanthropy Australia EM 10/04/2020 Philanthropy in Australia has grown enormously since the year 2000, due to a combination of factors ...

Assessing the How of Grantmaking: Basic Questions and Critical Indicators

POR Peak Grantmaking EM 10/04/2020 Grantmaking includes three primary components: what, who, and how. As grantmakers, most of us pay at...

Deciding together: shifting power and resources through participatory grantmaking

POR GrantCraft | Foundation Center EM 10/04/2020 In this study, the autors look at why and how funders are engaging in participatory grantmaking and ...

Donor Resource Guide: Funding Futures – Scholarships as Agents of Social Change

POR Ford Foundation EM 10/04/2020 This resource guide is intended to illustrate how scholarship programs can make higher education mor...

Funding Indigenous Peoples: Strategies for Support

POR GrantCraft|Foundation Center|International Funders for Indigenous People EM 10/04/2020 This guide looks at how funders collaborate with and bring support to indigenous communities around ...

Gather: The Art & Science of Effective Convening

POR Rockefeller Foundation|Monitor Institute|Monitor Deloitte EM 10/04/2020 This guidebook by The Rockefeller Foundation is organized around the most common building blocks of ...

Innovations in Open Grantmaking

POR GrantCraft|Foundation Center|The Governance Lab (The GovLab) EM 10/04/2020 Innovations in Open Grantmaking seeks to provide inspiration and early proof of concept regarding in...

Journalism and Media Grantmaking: Five Things You Need to Know and Five Ways to Get Started

POR Wyncote Foundation|Media Impact Funders EM 10/04/2020 This booklet is a starter guide for foundations interested in exploring how to make impactful journa...

Liberando o Potencial da Filantropia

POR Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (WINGS) EM 10/04/2020 Este guia destina-se a todos os financiadores – institutos, fundações, empresas e filantropos &#...

Personal Estrategy: Mobilizing Your Self for Effective Grantmaking

POR GrantCraft EM 10/04/2020 Whether it’s introducing new ideas into your foundation or offering constructive feedback to a...

Principles for Effective Education Grantmaking

POR Grantmakers for Education EM 10/04/2020 In 2005, Grantmakers for Education announced eight education grantmaking practices – drawn from th...

Responsive vs. Strategic Grantmaking: Exploring the Options

POR Putnam Consulting Group EM 10/04/2020 In philanthropy, there is much written about responsive and strategic approaches to philanthropy. Wh...

Saying Yes/Saying No to Applicants: Strengthening Your Decision Giving Skills

POR GrantCraft; Foundation Center EM 10/04/2020 Most funders review more proposals than they can recommend for funding. Decision making about what t...

Speaking Up! Foundations and Advocacy in Europe

POR GrantCraft|Foundation Center EM 10/04/2020 European countries have very diverse traditions in philanthropy, and many foundations not only fund ...

Teaming up for advocacy: how to effectively use a collaborative to drive change

POR GrantCraft|Candid EM 10/02/2020 This guide captures the wisdom of philanthropic leaders who have participated in multi-party advocac...

Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Tools and Resources for Grantmakers

POR Ford Foundation EM 01/01/2020 At the Ford Foundation, we believe a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is critica...

Open for Good: Knowledge Sharing to Strengthen Grantmaking

POR GrantCraft|Candid EM 10/12/2018 In this GrantCraft guide, grantmakers share how and why their foundations openly share knowledge as ...

It’s time to address power in philanthropy

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 01/01/2018 It’s time to address power in philanthropy The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project reimagines traditi...

¿Que es el fortalecimiento institucional?

POR GrantCraft EM 08/02/2016 El fortalecimiento institucional consiste fundamentalmente en la mejora de la eficiencia y la eficac...

Getting Inside the Story: Ethnographic Approaches to Evaluation

POR GrantCraft EM 11/07/2014 To get insight into a complex community, problem or process of change, sometimes you need to look be...

Council On Foundations: Stewardship Principles For Family Foundations

POR Council on Foundations EM 11/11/2013 These principles, developed by the Council on Foundations, are guiding ideals that describe how fami...

Evaluating Social Innovation

POR Foundation Strategy Group (FSG) EM 11/08/2012 The philanthropic sector has been experimenting with innovative grantmaking in the hopes of triggeri...

Foundations for Civic Impact: Advocacy and Civic Engagement Toolkit for Private Foundations

POR Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest EM 11/01/2012 Offers guidance for private foundations on supporting grantees’ policy and civic engagement ac...