Project Grants Need Not Be the Enemy: Part 3

6 de janeiro de 2023
ORGANIZAÇÕES RESPONSÁVEIS: The Chronicle of Philanthropy
AUTORES/COORDENADORES/PARTICIPANTES: John Summers, Rodney Christopher and Katrina Bandong
ANO: 2022


This is the final of a series of three articles that share the work of a collaborative of 12 large private funders, called Funders for Real Cost, Real Change (FRC). The first piece synopsized the group’s work and lessons about the importance of equity considerations in project grantmaking. The second shared the results of groundbreaking research on the impact of the starvation cycle on NGOs worldwide, based on data among organizations in 10 countries across five regions of the globe. This article describes four grantmaking approaches explored by FRC for project grants that cover true costs and support healthy, resilient and innovative organizations.