The Power to Produce Wonders: The Value of Family in Philanthropy

11 de outubro de 2010
ORGANIZAÇÕES RESPONSÁVEIS: National Center for Family Philanthropy


Based on two years of research, this new report from the National Center for Family Philanthropy is the first ever in-depth examination of the value of family philanthropy to the family, to communities and to democracy. This report is the culmination of a research and education initiative that sought the perspectives of 300 family philanthropy leaders through individual interviews, discussions at 14 regional symposia and sessions at a national symposium in Washington, DC.

The report covers a few key questions:
<li>How does philanthropy add value to the lives of donors and their families?</li>
<li>How does philanthropy add value to the lives of donors and their families?</li>
<li>How does the personal participation of donors and family members add value to the giving process and, more importantly, to the results and impact of that philanthropy?</li>
<li>What challenges affect each philanthropic family’s capacity to be effective and trusted stewards of the resources they manage for the public good?</li>
<li>What value does family philanthropy represent as a component and reflection of the proper functioning of democracy and democratic institutions in the United States?</li>