Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) and Schwab Charitable
EM 11/07/2024
Generosity and innovation are fueling exponential progress in addressing the most complex and intrac...
Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) and Schwab Charitable
EM 16/05/2024
The landscape of modern philanthropy has changed dramatically in recent years, affecting the approac...
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
EM 14/03/2024
Are philanthropic donors shifting from giving earmarked support for specific projects to providing u...
Instituto para o Desenvolvimento do Investimento Social (IDIS) e Coalizão pelos Fundos Filantrópicos
EM 02/01/2024
Esta é a segunda edição da iniciativa inédita que conta com informações de endowments brasilei...
Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose (CECP)
EM 12/12/2023
Giving in Numbers: 2023 Edition examines 2022 trends in corporate community investments and employee...
Comunitas e Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose (CECP)
EM 20/10/2023
O volume total de Investimento Social Corporativo (ISC) mostrou redução em 2022, mas segue acima d...
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project, Center for Evaluation Innovation e GIFE
EM 20/09/2023
Este guia – traduzido para o português pelo GIFE com autorização do Trust-Based Philanthropy Pr...
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE
EM 19/09/2023
Não raramente as fundações acabam atrapalhando as organizações da sociedade civil (OSC) na exec...
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE
EM 12/09/2023
Este guia – traduzido para o português pelo GIFE com autorização do Trust-Based Philanthropy Pr...
Movimento por uma Cultura de Doação
EM 11/07/2023
Integrantes do Movimento por uma Cultura de Doação destacam a importância das doações flexívei...
Funding For Real Change, MilwayPLUS e Ford Foundation
EM 07/06/2023
Este guia de táticas, recursos, exemplos e pontos de partida se propõe a ajudar financiadores e OS...
International Journal on Human Rights
EM 10/05/2022
The New Migration Law of 2017 was a historic win for Brazil. This moment of victory was the result o...
Stanford Social Innovation Review Brasil
EM 16/02/2022
Entrevistas com doadores millennials do universo das startups do Vale do Silício e conversas co...
Charities Aid Foundation (CAF); Instituto para o Desenvolvimento do Investimento Social (IDIS)
EM 16/02/2022
Esta quarta edição do “Brasil Giving Report” traça um panorama da doação no Brasil em 2020,...
Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)
EM 22/12/2021
In its eighth COVID-19 survey conducted in August 2021, CAF America polled 436 charitable organizati...
The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP)
EM 29/11/2021
Calls for changes in foundation practice have come for decades. The ways in which foundations respon...
The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
EM 03/11/2021
Trust-based philanthropy is not just about organizational policies and practices; it’s about how p...
The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
EM 03/11/2021
This guide outlines the top ten most frequently asked questions about how foundations can adopt a tr...
The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
EM 03/11/2021
Trust-based philanthropy invites foundation board members to recognize their critically important ro...
The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
EM 03/11/2021
Too often, foundations get in the way of nonprofits doing the work they know best. This can slow dow...
The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
EM 03/11/2021
Trust-based philanthropy is a holistic approach that requires alignment in a grantmaking organizatio...
The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
EM 03/11/2021
This guide is intended for grantmaking practitioners who are ready to live into their values to cult...
The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP)
EM 03/11/2021
This report examines the state of practice in philanthropy regarding multiyear general operating sup...
The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP)
EM 03/11/2021
This report features profiles of five foundations that provide more multiyear general operating sup...
The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP)
EM 03/11/2021
This companion piece to “New Attitudes, Old Practices: The Provision of Multiyear General Operati...
Charities Aid Foundation (CAF); Instituto para o Desenvolvimento do Investimento Social (IDIS)
EM 15/10/2021
Terceira edição da pesquisa Brasil Giving Report sobre o comportamento do doador individual brasil...
Editora MOL; Movimento Bem Maior
EM 15/10/2021
O clima de nostalgia invadiu o estúdio! A primeira temporada do podcast “Aqui se faz, AQUI SE DOA...
Editora MOL; Movimento Bem Maior
EM 07/10/2021
O ano de 2020 foi intenso para muitas pessoas, mas há muito o que se lembrar e comemorar no que diz...
Editora MOL; Movimento Bem Maior
EM 07/10/2021
Há tempos dizem que as empresas podem e devem fazer mais: podem ser mais sustentáveis, mais justas...
Editora MOL; Movimento Bem Maior
EM 07/10/2021
O universo da cultura de doação engloba uma quantidade enorme de termos que são, muitas vezes, es...
Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)
EM 04/10/2021
In this episode of Giving Thought, a podcast by CAF, Rhod sat down with Gemma Bull and Tom Steinberg...
Candid; Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP)
EM 27/09/2021
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on communities worldwide was swift, hard and devastating especia...
Charities Aid Foundation (CAF); CyberGrants; The Association of Corporate Citizenship Professionals (ACCP)
EM 27/09/2021
In its fourth COVID-19 survey, conducted from June 25 to July 10, Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) of ...
The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP)
EM 23/09/2021
Amid the compounded crises of COVID-19 and the long-standing structural inequities the pandemic is e...
The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP)
EM 23/09/2021
The disproportionate public health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on certain communit...
The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP)
EM 23/09/2021
Nonprofits and funders alike have long called on foundations to be more flexible and responsive, to ...
Instituto para o Desenvolvimento do Investimento Social (IDIS); Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
EM 23/09/2021
Esta publicação integra a coleção “Philanthropy Roadmap”, iniciativa da Rockfeller Philanthr...
Instituto para o Desenvolvimento do Investimento Social (IDIS)
EM 23/09/2021
A Pesquisa Doação Brasil surgiu para suprir uma lacuna de dados sobre os hábitos e pensamentos da...
Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)
EM 23/09/2021
The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) has been producing its World Giving Index for more than a decade....
Eden Stiffman, Maria Di Mento, Emily Haynes, Debra E. Blum, Michael Theis
EM 18/08/2020
As Covid-19 continues to impact the world in unprecedented ways, the nonprofit sector has quickly ad...
Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The
EM 10/05/2020
The nonprofit perspective is an essential one for philanthropic funders to consider when it comes to...
TCC Group|California Endowment, The
EM 03/05/2020
In an effort to develop frameworks and methodologies to be able to meaningfully evaluate policy chan...
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
EM 02/05/2020
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors has released The Philanthropy Framework, a tool for analysis and p...
Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The
EM 02/05/2020
The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) surveyed private and community foundation leaders regard...
Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC)|Powered by Data
EM 02/05/2020
This brief is the first in a series of learning materials on data and evidence-based grantmaking cre...
Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The
EM 02/05/2020
CEP’s research shows that program officers can be the distinguishing factor between a foundation t...
National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers
EM 02/05/2020
This toolkit consists of key resources recommended by leading experts whose work focuses on diversit...
Foundation Strategy Group (FSG)|Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO)
EM 02/05/2020
Effecting social change in a rapidly changing political environment and an increasingly interconnect...
Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research
EM 02/05/2020
This article critically discusses the practice of foundation collaboration in Canada and describes t...
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
EM 02/05/2020
Many people come to philanthropy with their focus fully formed. They know what issues they want to t...
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
EM 02/05/2020
In 2008, in the wake of the global financial crisis, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA) publis...
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
EM 02/05/2020
Planning for a philanthropic journey starts with identifying the destination. In other words, donors...
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO)
EM 15/04/2020
As a community of grantmakers advocating for philanthropy to put nonprofits and communities at the c...
GrantCraft | Foundation Center
EM 10/04/2020
In this study, the autors look at why and how funders are engaging in participatory grantmaking and ...
GrantCraft|Foundation Center|International Funders for Indigenous People
EM 10/04/2020
This guide looks at how funders collaborate with and bring support to indigenous communities around ...
Rockefeller Foundation|Monitor Institute|Monitor Deloitte
EM 10/04/2020
This guidebook by The Rockefeller Foundation is organized around the most common building blocks of ...
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO)
EM 10/04/2020
To document changes in the practice of philanthropy that support nonprofit success, every few years ...
GrantCraft|Foundation Center|The Governance Lab (The GovLab)
EM 10/04/2020
Innovations in Open Grantmaking seeks to provide inspiration and early proof of concept regarding in...
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO)
EM 10/04/2020
This publication takes an in-depth look at what it means to open our learning and evaluation practic...
Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (WINGS)
EM 10/04/2020
Este guia destina-se a todos os financiadores – institutos, fundações, empresas e filantropos &#...
Rosov Consulting|Jewish Teen Education and Engagement Funder Collaborative
EM 10/04/2020
The formation of the Jewish Teen Education and Engagement Funder Collaborative was the result of a p...
Jim Joseph Foundation|The William Davidson Foundation|Lewis J. Bernstein and Associates
EM 10/04/2020
This report is the result of a co-investment and includes a provocative set of recommendations for t...
GrantCraft; Foundation Center
EM 10/04/2020
The report discusses how funders approach building capacity with grantees through examples from foun...
The Chronicle of Philanthropy
EM 31/03/2020
As Covid-19 disrupts every aspect of our lives, the demands on foundations and nonprofits are alread...
Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP)
EM 11/03/2020
Most economists believe the U.S. economy will enter the next recession by the end of 2021. Though th...
National Center for Family Philanthropy (NCFP)
EM 01/01/2020
In the past few weeks, we have been inundated with information about how philanthropy can respond to...
Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The
EM 11/08/2018
The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) has collected candid, anonymous feedback over 15 years f...
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO)
EM 02/07/2018
After more than 15 years promoting grantmaker practices that support nonprofit results, GEO is convi...
Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The
EM 11/01/2018
Relationships Matter: Program Officers, Grantees, and the Keys to Success sheds light on what const...
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
EM 01/01/2018
It’s time to address power in philanthropy The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project reimagines traditi...
Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR)
EM 27/06/2017
Social sector organizations need a “healthy diet” of funding to achieve maximum impact, a concep...
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO)
EM 05/03/2014
Grantmakers can take a number of steps to ensure that the support we provide to grantees, and the po...
Foundation Strategy Group (FSG)
EM 11/08/2012
The philanthropic sector has been experimenting with innovative grantmaking in the hopes of triggeri...
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
EM 11/01/2012
Describes Hewlett’s experience with implementing the outcome-focused grantmaking (OFG) process...
National Center for Family Philanthropy
EM 11/01/2012
Analyzes survey results on family foundation practices in their legacy, vision, mission, governance,...
Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest
EM 11/01/2012
Offers guidance for private foundations on supporting grantees’ policy and civic engagement ac...
National Center for Family Philanthropy
EM 11/10/2010
Based on two years of research, this new report from the National Center for Family Philanthropy is ...
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO)
EM 11/09/2010
Informed by the work of the 2005 Evaluation Roundtable, this report examines current topics in phila...
Foundation Strategy Group (FSG)
EM 11/03/2009
Whether prompted by venture philanthropy, high engagement grantmaking, or a growing interest in nonp...