
Breaking the Mold: The Transformative Effect of MacKenzie Scott’s Big Gifts

POR The Center For Effective Philantropy (CEP) EM 26/03/2025 This report represents the third and final year of this three-year research effort. CEP invited the ...

Governance Analysis: How 10 participatory grantmaking initiatives and funder collaboratives work

POR Onside Partners EM 31/10/2024 Governance structures codify the rules, norms, and relationships around decision-making for organiza...

Participatory Grantmaking Mechanics: Disability Rights Fund

POR Candid EM 29/10/2024 The Disability Rights Fund is a grantmaking collaborative that supports persons with disabilities ar...

Centering equity and justice in climate philanthropy

POR Candid; Ariadne EM 24/10/2024 This Candid Learning field guide calls on funders to play a role in changing the perilous trajectory...

A Funding for Real Change Case Study: Ford Foundation + Twawez

POR Funding for Real Change EM 22/10/2024 What does it mean to be a social justice funder? Nearly a decade ago, the Ford Foundation set out on...

How To Do A Trust-Based Grantee Meeting

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 17/10/2024 How can funders approach grantee check-in meetings to foster productive relationships and glean impo...

5 Myths of Conventional Philanthropy

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 15/10/2024 This guide outlines five common myths that underlie conventional philanthropy mindsets, with clear c...

Strategic Focal Points for Trust-Based Boards

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 10/10/2024 As the key governing body, a foundation’s board of trustees supports executive leadership and ensu...

Grantmaking Operations with a Trust-Based Lens

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 08/10/2024 Historically, grantmaking systems and operations have been designed with a specific customer in mind...

Trust-Based Philanthropy & Its Misconceptions

POR Do One Better EM 13/09/2024 Shaady Salehi, Executive Director of the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project, joins Alberto Lidji on th...

Great Funder–Nonprofit Relationships Toolkit

POR Exponent Philanthropy EM 30/08/2024 This toolkit from Exponent Philanthropy is designed to help funders recognize the aspects of great r...

Guidelines for Interactions with Community-Based Organization Grantees and Their Communities

POR Firelight EM 28/08/2024 This tool from the Firelight Foundation offers guidelines for centering justice and solidarity in al...

Enabling Trust-Based Practices: 4 Tips for Grants Management Systems

POR Technology association of grantmakers EM 28/08/2024 This guide provides specific suggestions for a key element of trust-based structures: The grants man...

The Economy, Taxes and Philanthropy: What Donors Can Do to Navigate the Current Giving Environment

POR Schwab Charitable and Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) EM 01/08/2024 Giving with Impact is a podcast created by Schwab Charitable and Stanford Social Innovation Review t...

Facilitating Impact: What’s Right, What’s Missing, What’s Next for Donor-Advised Funds

POR Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) and Schwab Charitable EM 11/07/2024 Generosity and innovation are fueling exponential progress in addressing the most complex and intrac...

Roadmap to Trust-Based Transformation

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 10/07/2024 While the exact pathways for becoming a trust-based foundation are not necessarily linear or identic...

Futures Philanthropy: Anticipation for the Common Good

POR Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies (CIFS) and Philanthropy Europe Association (Philea) EM 06/06/2024 “Futures Philanthropy: Anticipation for the Common Good” brings together two critical discipline...

Making the Most of Your Generosity: Addressing Equity and Social Change Through Corporate and Individual Philanthropy

POR Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) and Schwab Charitable EM 16/05/2024 The landscape of modern philanthropy has changed dramatically in recent years, affecting the approac...

From Intentions to Action: The Science Behind Giving Behaviours

POR Rideau Hall Foundation, The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) and Nesta EM 02/05/2024 In this report, the authors examine the case of charitable giving through the lens of behavioral sci...

What’s Next for the Decolonizing Wealth Project?

POR Proximate EM 23/04/2024 In October 2023, Amber Banks became the inaugural Vice President of Programs at the Decolonizing Wea...

The holy grail of funding: why and how foundations give unrestricted funding

POR Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR) EM 08/04/2024 “Unrestricted funding is often regarded as the single most powerful support that funders can provi...

No strings attached? Making sense of flexible financing in philanthropy

POR Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) EM 14/03/2024 Are philanthropic donors shifting from giving earmarked support for specific projects to providing u...

Power in Philanthropy

POR Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) and National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP) EM 02/01/2024 This series, presented in partnership with the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP...

Giving in Numbers: 2023 Edition

POR Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose (CECP) EM 12/12/2023 Giving in Numbers: 2023 Edition examines 2022 trends in corporate community investments and employee...

Shifting Relationships with Grantees: Advancing Trust-Based Philanthropy through Emergent Learning

POR Fourth Quadrant Partners EM 01/09/2023 When the Winston-Salem Foundation sought to sharpen its community investment focus in 2016, Foundati...

“Trust-Based Philanthropy” and the Foundation Board

POR Taxation of Exempts EM 31/08/2023 While the tenets of taking a trust-based approach may appeal to a funder in theory, there is always ...

Participatory Grantmaking: has its time come?

POR Ford Foundation EM 15/08/2023 The Ford Foundation commissioned this paper to explore participatory approaches, especially particip...

Strategies for Narrowing the Power Gap in Philanthropy

POR PEAK Grantmaking EM 10/08/2023 Effective grantmaking organizations intentionally redefine the power balance with grantees, recogniz...

Grantmaking with a Racial Justice Lens: A Practical Guide

POR Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity (PRE) EM 03/08/2023 “Grantmaking with a Racial Justice Lens: A Practical Guide” provides grantmakers with reflection...

What Donors Want – Ep. 14: Interview with Edgar Villanueva

POR I.G. Advisors EM 25/07/2023 In the fourteenth episode of What Donors Want, a podcast by I.G. Advisors, Rachel Stephenson Sheff s...

How is Trust-Based different from Conventional Philanthropy?

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 13/07/2023 While two institutions may share the same mission, how they carry it out can vary widely. Trust-base...

Guidelines for Re-granting

POR Oak Foundation EM 25/05/2023 In spring 2011 Grant Makers for Effective Organisations (GEO) surveyed all Oak Foundation programme ...

Racial Equity and Philanthropy: Unlocking Social Progress by Addressing Structural Racism

POR The Bridgespan Group EM 05/03/2023 What if philanthropy did whatever it takes to finally achieve racial equity? What would that look li...

Human Rights Grantmaking Principles

POR European Funders for Social Change and Human Rights (Ariadne), Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN) and Gender Funders CoLab EM 05/03/2023 These principles are intended to help funders align their grantmaking practices with human rights va...

Generosity and Impact Aren’t Enough: Let’s Judge Philanthropy on How Well it Shifts Power

POR Inside Philanthropy EM 13/02/2023 The writer and editor Tate Williams has developed an uneasy ambivalence toward philanthropy over the...

How can power-shifting philanthropy learn from power-shifting programmes?

POR Alliance magazine EM 12/02/2023 When a philanthropist takes a power-shifting approach to deciding who, when and how to donate then t...

Resetting the Grantor-Grantee Relationship

POR Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) EM 12/02/2023 Simple changes in mindset and behavior can break the cycle of strain and mistrust in grantor-grantee...

Project Grants Still Need Not Be the Enemy: An Equity-Oriented Update One Year Later

POR The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) EM 20/01/2023 On a CEP blog post, Rodney Christopher made a controversial statement: that institutional funders do...

Project Grants Need Not Be the Enemy: Part 3

POR The Chronicle of Philanthropy EM 06/01/2023 This is the final of a series of three articles that share the work of a collaborative of 12 large p...

Five Accelerators of Equitable Grantmaking and How to Harness Them

POR Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) EM 06/01/2023 A study found that crises like the COVID-19 pandemic to be one of five key accelerators propelling g...

Funders for Real Cost, Real Change: Indirect Cost Rate Guide

POR Funders for Real Cost, Real Change (FRC) and BDO USA EM 06/01/2023 This guide provides a framework for determining and calculating an overall indirect cost (IDC) rate ...

Partnering for Philanthropic Impact: Developing the strategy and institutional capacity required to maximise Foundations’ impact through partnerships and systems leadership

POR The Partnering Initiative (TPI) EM 04/01/2023 This report draws on a year of Partnering for Philanthropic Impact inquiry, in collaboration with Jo...

Interest in participatory grantmaking leads to… where?

POR Alliance magazine and Participatory Grantmakers Community EM 03/01/2023 There was significant interest in Participatory Grantmaking at Philea’s Forum. But where will this...

Henry Duncan Project Grants: Bringing a racial justice lens to our grantmaking

POR Corra Foundation EM 15/12/2022 This insight briefing is based on learning gathered from Corra staff involved in the design, deliver...

Accelerating Equitable Grantmaking: Seizing the Moment to Norm Multiyear, Flexible Funding

POR MilwayPLUS EM 10/11/2022 In October–November 2021 MilwayPLUS interviewed, surveyed, and conducted focus groups with 30 glob...

Equitable Grantmaking Continuum

POR NonprofitAF e RVC Seattle EM 10/11/2022 While nonprofits are appreciative of foundation support, the reality is that many foundations’ pra...

Everyday Donors of Color: Diverse Philanthropy During Times of Change

POR Lilly Family School of Philanthropy EM 19/05/2022 The report incorporates data from a national survey of 1,535 households, insights from focus groups ...

Philanthropy Always Sounds Like Someone Else: A Portrait of High Net Worth Donors of Color

POR Donors of Color Network EM 19/05/2022 The Donors of Color Network dream is that donors of color see themselves, finally, reflected and rep...

Building pressure for change: Advocacy and the role of philanthropic funders

POR International Journal on Human Rights EM 10/05/2022 The New Migration Law of 2017 was a historic win for Brazil. This moment of victory was the result o...

Decolonizing Philanthropy, with Edgar Villanueva

POR Philanthropisms EM 16/02/2022 In this episode of Philanthropisms, Rhodri Davies talks to Edgar Villanueva, author of “Decolonizi...

Lessons in Disaster Philanthropy

POR Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) EM 22/12/2021 In its eighth COVID-19 survey conducted in August 2021, CAF America polled 436 charitable organizati...

Nonprofit law in Brazil

POR Council on Foundations EM 17/12/2021 This section describes the legal framework of nonprofit organizations (also known as non-governmenta...

Foundations respond to crisis: lasting change?

POR The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) EM 29/11/2021 Calls for changes in foundation practice have come for decades. The ways in which foundations respon...

Building Trust with Grantees is Essential

POR The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) EM 29/11/2021 ...

5 Myths of Traditional Philanthropy: A Response to Common Misperceptions About Trust-Based Principles

POR The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 03/11/2021 This guide outlines five common myths and misperceptions that come up in discussions about trust-bas...

How To Show Up in a Trust-Based Way

POR The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 03/11/2021 Trust-based philanthropy is not just about organizational policies and practices; it’s about how p...

Building Trust Through Regular Check-Ins: A Resource for Funders

POR The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 03/11/2021 How can funders approach grantee check-in meetings to foster productive relationships and glean impo...

Trust-Based Philanthropy: Legal Considerations

POR The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 03/11/2021 Oftentimes in philanthropy, people tend to think of legal considerations in the context of complianc...

Skeptic’s Corner: FAQ’s about trust-based philanthropy

POR The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 03/11/2021 This guide outlines the top ten most frequently asked questions about how foundations can adopt a tr...

7 Responsibilities of A Trust-Based Board

POR The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 03/11/2021 Trust-based philanthropy invites foundation board members to recognize their critically important ro...

The 6 Grantmaking Practices of Trust-Based Philanthropy

POR The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 03/11/2021 Too often, foundations get in the way of nonprofits doing the work they know best. This can slow dow...

Trust-Based Philanthropy: Self-Reflection Tool

POR The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 03/11/2021 Trust-based philanthropy is a holistic approach that requires alignment in a grantmaking organizatio...

Trust-Based Philanthropy in 4D

POR The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 03/11/2021 This guide is intended for grantmaking practitioners who are ready to live into their values to cult...

New Attitudes, Old Practices: The Provision of Multiyear General Operating Support

POR The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) EM 03/11/2021 This report examines the state of practice in philanthropy regarding multiyear general operating sup...

Making The Case: Foundation Leaders On The Importance Of Multiyear General Operating Support

POR The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) EM 03/11/2021 This report features profiles of five foundations that provide more multiyear general operating sup...

Making it Happen: A Conversation Guide

POR The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) EM 03/11/2021 This companion piece to “New Attitudes, Old Practices: The Provision of Multiyear General Operati...

What charity does to your brain

POR Big Think EM 15/10/2021 ...

Modern Grantmaking, with Gemma Bull & Tom Steinberg

POR Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) EM 04/10/2021 In this episode of Giving Thought, a podcast by CAF, Rhod sat down with Gemma Bull and Tom Steinberg...

Philanthropy and COVID-19 in the first half of 2020

POR Candid; Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) EM 27/09/2021 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on communities worldwide was swift, hard and devastating especia...

The Impact of Covid-19 on the Global Philanthropic Sector

POR Dalberg EM 27/09/2021 Covid-19 is catalyzing a transformational wave of change across the philanthropic sector around the ...

Listening During COVID-19: A Framework for Funders

POR Feedback Labs EM 27/09/2021 Funders are feeling the need to confront the COVID-19 pandemic quickly and effectively. Listening, e...

COVID-19: How Have Funders Changed Their Approach & What Will Stick?

POR Exponent Philanthropy EM 27/09/2021 In April 2020, Exponent Philanthropy and PEAK Grantmaking each fielded a survey to see how their fun...

The Voice of Charities Facing COVID-19 Worldwide (Vol. 4)

POR Charities Aid Foundation (CAF); CyberGrants; The Association of Corporate Citizenship Professionals (ACCP) EM 27/09/2021 In its fourth COVID-19 survey, conducted from June 25 to July 10, Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) of ...

Foundations Respond to Crisis: A Moment of Transformation?

POR The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) EM 23/09/2021 Amid the compounded crises of COVID-19 and the long-standing structural inequities the pandemic is e...

Foundations Respond to Crisis: Toward Equity?

POR The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) EM 23/09/2021 The disproportionate public health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on certain communit...

Foundations Respond to Crisis: Toward Greater Flexibility and Responsiveness?

POR The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) EM 23/09/2021 Nonprofits and funders alike have long called on foundations to be more flexible and responsive, to ...

CAF World Giving Index 2021: a global pandemic special report

POR Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) EM 23/09/2021 The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) has been producing its World Giving Index for more than a decade....

Fundraising with Confidence

POR Eden Stiffman, Maria Di Mento, Emily Haynes, Debra E. Blum, Michael Theis EM 18/08/2020 As Covid-19 continues to impact the world in unprecedented ways, the nonprofit sector has quickly ad...

Impact Investing: an introduction

POR Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors EM 11/06/2020 This guide is part of the Philanthropy Roadmap series and is expressly written for donors who may wi...

When, Who, and How to Ask for Feedback from Your Partners

POR Peak Grantmaking EM 19/05/2020 Grantmaking is a partnership, and you can’t know how effective a partnership is if you aren’t ta...

Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Tools and Resources for Grantmakers

POR Ford Foundation EM 17/05/2020 At the Ford Foundation, we believe a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is critica...

The Funding Landscape: Nonprofit Perspectives on Current Issues in Philanthropy

POR Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The EM 10/05/2020 The nonprofit perspective is an essential one for philanthropic funders to consider when it comes to...

What Makes an Effective Advocacy Organization: A Framework for Determining Advocacy Capacity

POR TCC Group|California Endowment, The EM 03/05/2020 In an effort to develop frameworks and methodologies to be able to meaningfully evaluate policy chan...

The Philanthropy Framework

POR Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors EM 02/05/2020 Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors has released The Philanthropy Framework, a tool for analysis and p...

Towards A More Responsive Philanthropy: Grantmaking For Racial Equity And LGBTQ Justice

POR Funders for LGBTQ Issues EM 02/05/2020 In 2007, Funders for LGBTQ Issues (Funders) launched its LGBTQ Racial Equity Campaign, a multi-year ...

Understanding & Sharing What Works: The State of Foundation Practice

POR Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The EM 02/05/2020 The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) surveyed private and community foundation leaders regard...

What You Need to Know: Comparing Grantmaking Strategies

POR Council on Foundations EM 02/05/2020 There are many different strategies when it comes to grantmaking, and it’s difficult to know which...

Who Decides: How Participatory Grantmaking Benefits Donors, Communities, and Movements

POR The Lafayette Practice EM 02/05/2020 The Lafayette Practice (TLP) conducted research and interviews to analyze and compare the practices ...

Effective giving: using data to inform philanthropy

POR Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC)|Powered by Data EM 02/05/2020 This brief is the first in a series of learning materials on data and evidence-based grantmaking cre...

Grantmakers and Governments: The Possibilities of Partnership

POR Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC) EM 02/05/2020 This Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC) publication explores the potential opportunities for p...

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Toolkit for Consultants to Grantmakers

POR National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers EM 02/05/2020 This toolkit consists of key resources recommended by leading experts whose work focuses on diversit...

Crucial Donors: How Major Individual Givers Can Best Support Nonprofits

POR Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The EM 02/05/2020 Based on survey responses from 198 nonprofit CEOs on CEP’s <em>Grantee Voice </em>pa...

Governance and Grantmaking: Approaches to achieve greater diversity, equity and inclusion

POR Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC) EM 02/05/2020 As a first step to assisting foundations with their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) journey, P...

Engaging Boards and Trustees in Strategic Learning

POR Foundation Strategy Group (FSG)|Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) EM 02/05/2020 Effecting social change in a rapidly changing political environment and an increasingly interconnect...

Emerging Information and Reporting Issues for Grantmaking Foundations

POR Carleton University EM 02/05/2020 Information and reporting issues are most present than ever in an accountability context and grantma...

Collaboration between Canadian grantmaking foundations: the expression of an increasingly ambitious and strategic philanthropic sector?

POR Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research EM 02/05/2020 This article critically discusses the practice of foundation collaboration in Canada and describes t...

Finding Your Focus in Philanthropy

POR Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors EM 02/05/2020 Many people come to philanthropy with their focus fully formed. They know what issues they want to t...

Giving in Challenging Times

POR Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors EM 02/05/2020 In 2008, in the wake of the global financial crisis, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA) publis...

Making Change Happen: Creating an Outcome-Based Strategy

POR Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors EM 02/05/2020 Planning for a philanthropic journey starts with identifying the destination. In other words, donors...

Big Philanthropy Faces a Reckoning, Too

POR The Nation EM 30/04/2020 It’s time to challenge philanthropists and their foundations to open up their grant-making decisio...

Fit for the future: Can we emerge stronger from the COVID-19 crisis?

POR Alliance Magazine EM 28/04/2020 In the first of a series of articles aiming to assess changes needed to ensure a stronger supporting...

Smarter Grantmaking Practices During—and Beyond—COVID-19

POR Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) EM 15/04/2020 As a community of grantmakers advocating for philanthropy to put nonprofits and communities at the c...

Are foundations equipped to help nonprofits survive the pandemic?

POR Candid EM 14/04/2020 With close to 100,000 active foundations and collective annual giving of nearly $87 billion, America...

Leadership in a Time of Crisis

POR Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) EM 14/04/2020 What does good leadership in crisis look like? In this time of unprecedented challenge related to CO...

10 Innovations in Global Philanthropy: Concepts Worth Spreading in the UK

POR New Philanthropy Capital EM 10/04/2020 Philanthropy has never been so important to address the complex social and environmental issues we f...

2020 Consumers Guide to Grants Management Systems

POR Tech Impact Idealware|Grantbook|Peak Grantmaking EM 10/04/2020 This fifth edition of the <em>Consumers Guide</em> reviews 14 of the most widely used gr...

21st-Century Community Foundations: A Question of Geography and Identity

POR GrantCraft EM 10/04/2020 In this “Leadership Series” paper, Emmett Carson, CEO and president of Silicon Valley Community ...

An Introductory Guide to Grantmaking

POR Philanthropy Australia EM 10/04/2020 Philanthropy in Australia has grown enormously since the year 2000, due to a combination of factors ...

Being the change: 12 ways foundations are transforming themselves to transform their impact

POR Foundation Strategy Group (FSG) EM 10/04/2020 <p class=”font_9″>To achieve meaningful impact at scale, many foundations are aimi...

Assessing the How of Grantmaking: Basic Questions and Critical Indicators

POR Peak Grantmaking EM 10/04/2020 Grantmaking includes three primary components: what, who, and how. As grantmakers, most of us pay at...

Building Collaboration From the Inside Out

POR Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) EM 10/04/2020 This publication focuses on the internal conditions and environments that enable successful projects...

CEP’s Definition of Philanthropic Effectiveness

POR Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The EM 10/04/2020 Philanthropy can take on pressing challenges that other actors in society cannot, or will not. Given...

Collaborating for a cause: how cause-related networks can lead to more and better philanthropic giving

POR NPC EM 10/04/2020 Many philanthropists strive to be more strategic and effective in how they address social problems. ...

Courage in Practice: 5 Principles for Peak Grantmaking

POR Peak Grantmaking EM 10/04/2020 For philanthropy to realize its potential, PEAK Grantmaking is helping members to move from talk to ...

Daring to invest: how the early childhood initiative’s attitude towards risk impacted Pittsburgh philanthropy

POR GrantCraft|Foundation Center EM 10/04/2020 This case study was developed as one of five companion pieces to stories shared through the Pittsbur...

Deciding together: shifting power and resources through participatory grantmaking

POR GrantCraft | Foundation Center EM 10/04/2020 In this study, the autors look at why and how funders are engaging in participatory grantmaking and ...

Donor Resource Guide: Funding Futures – Scholarships as Agents of Social Change

POR Ford Foundation EM 10/04/2020 This resource guide is intended to illustrate how scholarship programs can make higher education mor...

Drowning in paperwork, distracted from purpose

POR Grants Managers Network EM 10/04/2020 It is no exaggeration to say that the current system of application and reporting has grantseekers a...

Employing people with disabilities: lessons from Kessler Foundation’s Signature Employment Grants

POR Kessler Foundation EM 10/04/2020 From 2004 through 2019, Kessler Foundation has awarded more than $46.7 million to support national a...

Frameworks for private foundations: a new model for impact

POR GrantCraft|Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors EM 10/04/2020 Philanthropy is evolving more quickly than ever with new societal challenges, new players, and new s...

From words to action: a practical philanthropic guide to diversity, equity, and inclusion

POR GrantCraft|Foundation Center EM 10/04/2020 As communities worldwide are becoming more diverse, they are increasingly tackling the realities of ...

Funding Indigenous Peoples: Strategies for Support

POR GrantCraft|Foundation Center|International Funders for Indigenous People EM 10/04/2020 This guide looks at how funders collaborate with and bring support to indigenous communities around ...

Gather: The Art & Science of Effective Convening

POR Rockefeller Foundation|Monitor Institute|Monitor Deloitte EM 10/04/2020 This guidebook by The Rockefeller Foundation is organized around the most common building blocks of ...

Gender Transformative Giving: the next phase in feminist philanthropy?

POR Women's Funding Network|True Child|Public Interest Projects EM 10/04/2020 Why should donors support gender transformative programming? This report makes the case that support...

GEO Field Survey 2014: major trends in grantmakers’ attitudes and practices

POR Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) EM 10/04/2020 To document changes in the practice of philanthropy that support nonprofit success, every few years ...

What it really takes to influence funder practice

POR Ford Foundation EM 10/04/2020 Philanthropists are increasingly combining forces to improve grant making. But what it takes to matc...

Campaigns for Philanthropic Change

POR Ford Foundation EM 10/04/2020 This report features a collection of six case studies of initiatives to improve understanding of fun...

Innovations in Open Grantmaking

POR GrantCraft|Foundation Center|The Governance Lab (The GovLab) EM 10/04/2020 Innovations in Open Grantmaking seeks to provide inspiration and early proof of concept regarding in...

Insight, Impact, and Equity: Collecting Demographic Data

POR Peak Grantmaking EM 10/04/2020 Grantmakers occupy a powerful space of privilege in the social change sector. As such, they have a u...

Journalism and Media Grantmaking: Five Things You Need to Know and Five Ways to Get Started

POR Wyncote Foundation|Media Impact Funders EM 10/04/2020 This booklet is a starter guide for foundations interested in exploring how to make impactful journa...

Learning Together: Collaborative Inquiry among Grantmakers and Grantees

POR GrantCraft|Foundation Center EM 10/04/2020 Many grantmakers champion the idea of using evaluation to improve grantee effectiveness or advance a...

Learning Together: Actionable Approaches for Grantmakers

POR Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) EM 10/04/2020 This publication takes an in-depth look at what it means to open our learning and evaluation practic...

Leveraging Data And Technology For Healthy, Equitable, Sustainable Communities

POR Network Impact EM 10/04/2020 Organizations in the social sector are increasingly exploring and applying new technology for data a...

Managing for Learning and Impact

POR King Baudouin Foundation EM 10/04/2020 Understanding there is a growing interest of foundations in Europe to evaluate the intended impact o...

More than Grants: How Funders Can Support Grantee Effectiveness

POR NPC|Lloyds Bank Foundation EM 10/04/2020 Trusts and foundations are increasingly looking to become agents of social change themselves as well...

New Perspectives, New Solutions: Funding Organising Led by Girls and Young Women

POR Mama Cash EM 10/04/2020 In order to increase awareness of the importance of funding girls’ and young women’s gro...

Personal Estrategy: Mobilizing Your Self for Effective Grantmaking

POR GrantCraft EM 10/04/2020 Whether it’s introducing new ideas into your foundation or offering constructive feedback to a...

Preparing to Deepen Action: A Funder Collaborative Finds its Way

POR Rosov Consulting|Jewish Teen Education and Engagement Funder Collaborative EM 10/04/2020 The formation of the Jewish Teen Education and Engagement Funder Collaborative was the result of a p...

Principles for Effective Education Grantmaking

POR Grantmakers for Education EM 10/04/2020 In 2005, Grantmakers for Education announced eight education grantmaking practices – drawn from th...

Responsive vs. Strategic Grantmaking: Exploring the Options

POR Putnam Consulting Group EM 10/04/2020 In philanthropy, there is much written about responsive and strategic approaches to philanthropy. Wh...

Saying Yes/Saying No to Applicants: Strengthening Your Decision Giving Skills

POR GrantCraft; Foundation Center EM 10/04/2020 Most funders review more proposals than they can recommend for funding. Decision making about what t...

Smart Money: Recommendations for an Educational Technology and Digital Engagement Investment Strategy

POR Jim Joseph Foundation|The William Davidson Foundation|Lewis J. Bernstein and Associates EM 10/04/2020 This report is the result of a co-investment and includes a provocative set of recommendations for t...

Speaking Up! Foundations and Advocacy in Europe

POR GrantCraft|Foundation Center EM 10/04/2020 European countries have very diverse traditions in philanthropy, and many foundations not only fund ...

Supporting Grantee Capacity: Strengthening Effectiveness Together

POR GrantCraft; Foundation Center EM 10/04/2020 The report discusses how funders approach building capacity with grantees through examples from foun...

The Funder’s Guide to Investing in Volunteer Engagement

POR Leighty Foundation EM 10/04/2020 With UPS Foundation as the premier funder, the original version of this guide was developed in 2004 ...

Black Grant Directors’ Roundtable: Lessons from a career in philanthropy

POR Peak Grantmaking EM 02/04/2020 Five grants management leaders offer on-the-ground testimony to the challenges of Black professional...

How This Crisis May Upend Grant Making for Good

POR The Chronicle of Philanthropy EM 31/03/2020 As Covid-19 disrupts every aspect of our lives, the demands on foundations and nonprofits are alread...

We Need a New Name for Grants Management Systems

POR Peak Grantmaking EM 31/03/2020 With the recent release of the 2020 edition of the Consumers Guide to Grants Management Systems, we ...

Trust-Based Philanthropy is Trending. What Will It Take to Sustain It?

POR Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) EM 25/03/2020 Last week, over 200 foundations signed a pledge calling upon philanthropy to loosen restrictions on ...

Funders, the Time is Now to Talk Recession-Planning with Grantees

POR Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) EM 11/03/2020 Most economists believe the U.S. economy will enter the next recession by the end of 2021. Though th...

Relationships first, money after

POR Alliance Magazine EM 03/03/2020 In this insightful article, Manaia King explores the profound impact philanthropy can have in reinst...

Designing Partner-Centered Grantmaking Processes

POR GrantCraft EM 13/02/2020 Human-centered design is on the rise within the social sector. Governments, nonprofits, and social e...

Teaming up for advocacy: how to effectively use a collaborative to drive change

POR GrantCraft|Candid EM 10/02/2020 This guide captures the wisdom of philanthropic leaders who have participated in multi-party advocac...

Getting Your Board on Board with Participatory Grantmaking

POR GrantCraft EM 03/02/2020 When I started talking to people in the UK funding sector about my fellowship, one of the questions ...

A Call to Action: Philanthropy’s Commitment During COVID-19

POR Council on Foundations (CoF) EM 01/01/2020 The rapid spread of COVID-19 has created a global health and economic crisis that is testing every o...

Understanding the organizational needs of our grantees

POR Ford Foundation EM 01/01/2020 A key part of our BUILD grants is the Organizational Mapping Tool (OMT), an open-source assessment t...

Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Tools and Resources for Grantmakers

POR Ford Foundation EM 01/01/2020 At the Ford Foundation, we believe a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is critica...

Rethinking “Us” and “Them” in Family Philanthropy

POR National Center for Family Philanthropy (NCFP) EM 01/01/2020 In the past few weeks, we have been inundated with information about how philanthropy can respond to...

Greater Good: Lessons from Those Who Have Started Major Grantmaking Organizations

POR Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The EM 10/07/2019 To learn more about what it takes to effectively get a grantmaking organization off the ground, CEP ...

How To Prepare For These 5 Grantmaking Challenges

POR Forbes EM 24/06/2019 Do more than ready yourself for the unexpected. We have been told for most of our lives to prepare f...

Strengthening Grantees: Foundation and Nonprofit Perspectives

POR Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The EM 10/02/2019 Based on survey responses from 170 nonprofit CEOs on CEP’s Grantee Voice panel and 187 foundation...

Trust-Based Philanthropy: An Approach

POR The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 01/01/2019 The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project reimagines traditional funder-grantee relationships. They work ...

Strategies for Giving More

POR Fidelity Charitable EM 01/01/2019 Fidelity Charitable gathered a few simple strategies to help people give more, make more donations, ...

Open for Good: Knowledge Sharing to Strengthen Grantmaking

POR GrantCraft|Candid EM 10/12/2018 In this GrantCraft guide, grantmakers share how and why their foundations openly share knowledge as ...

Nonprofit Diversity Efforts: Current Practices and the Role of Foundations

POR Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The EM 10/09/2018 Various institutions have published articles and reports on topics such as the barriers to achieving...

Donors: 5 Things Nonprofits Want You to Know

POR Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The EM 11/08/2018 The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) has collected candid, anonymous feedback over 15 years f...

Culture Resource Guide: Overview

POR Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) EM 02/07/2018 After more than 15 years promoting grantmaker practices that support nonprofit results, GEO is convi...

Three Guiding Principles for Funding and Innovating in the Social Sector

POR GrantCraft EM 01/06/2018 Almost a year ago I wrote about how open innovation can help create a new operating system for the s...

9 Strategic (and Inexpensive!) Ways Funders Can Support Grantee Staff

POR GrantCraft EM 07/03/2018 Nonprofits tend to sink or swim based not on mission and funding alone, but on the talents of employ...

Grants Management Professional Competency Model

POR Peak Grantmaking EM 01/02/2018 As a grants management professional, you need to be an expert in your work to help your grantseekers...

Grant Reporting: The Current State of Practice

POR Peak Grantmaking EM 22/01/2018 Grant reports are a fact of life for funders and nonprofits. Generally structured as written narrati...

Staying Connected: How Five Foundations Understand Those They Seek to Help

POR Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The EM 11/01/2018 <em>Staying Connected: How Five Foundations Understand Those They Seek to Help</em> pro...

Relationships Matter: Program Officers, Grantees, and the Keys to Success

POR Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The EM 11/01/2018 Relationships Matter: Program Officers, Grantees, and the Keys to Success sheds light on what const...

It’s time to address power in philanthropy

POR Trust-Based Philanthropy Project EM 01/01/2018 It’s time to address power in philanthropy The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project reimagines traditi...

Benchmarking Program Officer Roles and Responsibilities

POR Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The EM 11/08/2017 The role of the program officer at foundations is one of great importance. This is not news to the ...

Time to Reboot Grantmaking

POR Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) EM 27/06/2017 Social sector organizations need a “healthy diet” of funding to achieve maximum impact, a concep...

What’s Your Operating Capabilities Approach?

POR GRANTCRAFT EM 21/06/2017 This infographic is part of GrantCraft’s Leadership Series paper Frameworks for Private Found...

The Future of Family Philanthropy: Predicting and Preparing

POR Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy at Grand Valley State University EM 11/06/2016 There is little dispute that philanthropy is undergoing a profound change. Traditional foundation gr...

Flexible Funding

POR GRANTCRAFT EM 21/03/2016 ...

Sharing What Matters: Foundation Transparency

POR Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The EM 11/02/2016 To better understand transparency in philanthropy — both its meaning and the current state of ...

Networks and Relationships

POR GRANTCRAFT EM 03/02/2016 ...

Cultural Relevance

POR GRANTCRAFT EM 01/01/2016 ...

Philanthropy and the Social Economy: Blueprint 2016

POR GrantCraft|Candid|Stanford Social Innovation Review|Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society (PACS) EM 11/12/2015 “Philanthropy and the Social Economy: Blueprint 2016” is an annual industry forecast abo...

What Mindset is Needed to Support Collaboration?

POR Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) EM 18/07/2014 Throughout history, social change has been possible only through the contributions and dedication of...

Getting Inside the Story: Ethnographic Approaches to Evaluation

POR GrantCraft EM 11/07/2014 To get insight into a complex community, problem or process of change, sometimes you need to look be...

What Roles Can Grantmakers Play in Supporting Networks?

POR Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) EM 07/03/2014 Grantmakers of all kinds care about tangible progress on tough problems, but we also seek harder-to-...

What Are the Different Ways to Collaborate?

POR Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) EM 05/03/2014 In the nonprofit sector there are various forms of collaboration, ranging in formality, actors and p...

How Can Grantmakers Support Movements?

POR Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) EM 05/03/2014 Today, many grantmakers recognize the role of social movements in advancing opportunity, well-being ...

How Can We Be More Supportive of Nonprofit Financial Sustainability?

POR Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) EM 05/03/2014 Grantmakers can take a number of steps to ensure that the support we provide to grantees, and the po...

Paths to Transparency

POR GRANTCRAFT EM 06/02/2014 ...

Council On Foundations: Stewardship Principles For Family Foundations

POR Council on Foundations EM 11/11/2013 These principles, developed by the Council on Foundations, are guiding ideals that describe how fami...

Conflicts of Interest: Safeguarding Your Foundation

POR Council on Foundations EM 11/10/2013 This statement of principles and practices outlines measures that foundations may take to improve tr...

Foundations Moving On

POR GRANTCRAFT EM 16/05/2013 ...

Evaluating Social Innovation

POR Foundation Strategy Group (FSG) EM 11/08/2012 The philanthropic sector has been experimenting with innovative grantmaking in the hopes of triggeri...

Listen, Learn, Lead: Grantmaker Practices That Support Nonprofit Results: Executive Summary

POR Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) EM 11/01/2012 Identifies opportunities to strengthen grantmaking practices and extend grantee impact. Emphasizes a...

Doing Good Today and Better Tomorrow: A Roadmap to High Impact Philanthropy Through Outcome-Focused Grantmaking

POR William and Flora Hewlett Foundation EM 11/01/2012 Describes Hewlett’s experience with implementing the outcome-focused grantmaking (OFG) process...

More Than Grantmaking: A First Look at Foundations’ Direct Charitable Activities

POR Candid EM 11/01/2012 Presents the findings of a study that tracks the growing role of operating programs — or direc...

Current Practices in Family Foundations

POR National Center for Family Philanthropy EM 11/01/2012 Analyzes survey results on family foundation practices in their legacy, vision, mission, governance,...

Essentials of Foundation Strategy

POR Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The EM 11/01/2012 This report identifies defining elements of strategic foundation leaders; characteristics of their p...

The Nonprofit Marketplace: Bridging the Information Gap in Philanthropy

POR William and Flora Hewlett Foundation EM 11/01/2012 This report advocates for improving the supply of and demand for information and strengthening inter...

Foundations for Civic Impact: Advocacy and Civic Engagement Toolkit for Private Foundations

POR Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest EM 11/01/2012 Offers guidance for private foundations on supporting grantees’ policy and civic engagement ac...

The Power to Produce Wonders: The Value of Family in Philanthropy

POR National Center for Family Philanthropy EM 11/10/2010 Based on two years of research, this new report from the National Center for Family Philanthropy is ...

Evaluation As A Pathway to Learning

POR Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) EM 11/09/2010 Informed by the work of the 2005 Evaluation Roundtable, this report examines current topics in phila...

SEED Funds – A Powerful New Approach to Corporate Social Investment

POR Foundation Strategy Group (FSG) EM 11/03/2009 As multinational companies strive to become truly “global,” they have begun to see the s...

The Evaluation of Capacity Building Grants: Key Learnings for a Successful Program

POR Foundation Strategy Group (FSG) EM 11/03/2009 Whether prompted by venture philanthropy, high engagement grantmaking, or a growing interest in nonp...

Foundations and Public Policy Grantmaking

POR James Irvine Foundation, The EM 11/10/2008 Foundations trying to better leverage their influence and improve their impact increasingly are bein...

The Power of Strategic Mission Investing

POR Stanford Social Innovation Review EM 11/11/2007 A growing number of foundations are offering low-interest loans, buying into green business ventures...