Instituto ACP; Plataforma Conjunta
EM 19/09/2024
Quando olhamos profundamente para a forma como tem sido feito o apoio ao desenvolvimento institucion...
Technology association of grantmakers
EM 28/08/2024
This guide provides specific suggestions for a key element of trust-based structures: The grants man...
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
EM 20/08/2024
This report analyzes data from Trust-Based Philanthropy Project second annual grantmaker survey cond...
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE
EM 30/07/2024
A filantropia baseada em confiança incentiva os doadores a se verem como colaboradores, aprendizes ...
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
EM 10/07/2024
While the exact pathways for becoming a trust-based foundation are not necessarily linear or identic...
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE
EM 29/05/2024
O presente guia, juntamente com as fontes aqui indicadas, ajudará os doadores a preparar o terreno ...
Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) and Schwab Charitable
EM 16/05/2024
The landscape of modern philanthropy has changed dramatically in recent years, affecting the approac...
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE
EM 02/05/2024
Ainda que duas instituições possam partilhar a mesma missão, a forma como buscam concretizá-la p...
Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR)
EM 08/04/2024
“Unrestricted funding is often regarded as the single most powerful support that funders can provi...
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
EM 14/03/2024
Are philanthropic donors shifting from giving earmarked support for specific projects to providing u...
Schwab Charitable and Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR)
EM 12/03/2024
In this episode of Giving with Impact, the bottom line is that gender matters in philanthropy, that ...
Nonprofit Quarterly, Proximate e Philó
EM 08/03/2024
Conforme o campo filantrópico brasileiro se desenvolve, torna-se comum a procura de referências do...
Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) and National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP)
EM 02/01/2024
This series, presented in partnership with the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP...
Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose (CECP)
EM 12/12/2023
Giving in Numbers: 2023 Edition examines 2022 trends in corporate community investments and employee...
Ashoka, McKinsey & Company e Movimento Bem Maior
EM 11/12/2023
Este relatório é o produto de uma colaboração entre três grupos que, na maior parte das vezes, ...
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE
EM 19/09/2023
Não raramente as fundações acabam atrapalhando as organizações da sociedade civil (OSC) na exec...
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE
EM 13/09/2023
A filantropia baseada em confiança é uma abordagem holística que considera centrais os valores fo...
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE
EM 12/09/2023
Este guia – traduzido para o português pelo GIFE com autorização do Trust-Based Philanthropy Pr...
Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity (PRE)
EM 03/08/2023
“Grantmaking with a Racial Justice Lens: A Practical Guide” provides grantmakers with reflection...
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
EM 13/07/2023
While two institutions may share the same mission, how they carry it out can vary widely. Trust-base...
Movimento por uma Cultura de Doação
EM 11/07/2023
Integrantes do Movimento por uma Cultura de Doação destacam a importância das doações flexívei...
Funding For Real Change, MilwayPLUS e Ford Foundation
EM 07/06/2023
Este guia de táticas, recursos, exemplos e pontos de partida se propõe a ajudar financiadores e OS...
European Funders for Social Change and Human Rights (Ariadne), Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN) and Gender Funders CoLab
EM 05/03/2023
These principles are intended to help funders align their grantmaking practices with human rights va...
Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR)
EM 12/02/2023
Simple changes in mindset and behavior can break the cycle of strain and mistrust in grantor-grantee...
The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP)
EM 20/01/2023
On a CEP blog post, Rodney Christopher made a controversial statement: that institutional funders do...
The Chronicle of Philanthropy
EM 06/01/2023
This is the final of a series of three articles that share the work of a collaborative of 12 large p...
The Partnering Initiative (TPI)
EM 04/01/2023
This report draws on a year of Partnering for Philanthropic Impact inquiry, in collaboration with Jo...
Alliance magazine and Participatory Grantmakers Community
EM 03/01/2023
There was significant interest in Participatory Grantmaking at Philea’s Forum. But where will this...
The Center for Disaster Philanthropy and Candid
EM 09/12/2022
Candid and the Center for Disaster Philanthropy note a drop in giving by large U.S. foundations from...
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
EM 11/06/2020
This guide is part of the Philanthropy Roadmap series and is expressly written for donors who may wi...
GrantCraft | Foundation Center
EM 10/04/2020
In this study, the autors look at why and how funders are engaging in participatory grantmaking and ...