Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
EM 10/10/2024
As the key governing body, a foundation’s board of trustees supports executive leadership and ensu...
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
EM 10/07/2024
While the exact pathways for becoming a trust-based foundation are not necessarily linear or identic...
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE
EM 27/06/2024
A filantropia baseada em confiança convida os membros dos conselhos das fundações a reconhecer se...
Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) Brasil
EM 06/06/2024
Artigo apresenta e discute iniciativa de inclusão que prioriza os resultados da preparação emerge...
Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies (CIFS) and Philanthropy Europe Association (Philea)
EM 06/06/2024
“Futures Philanthropy: Anticipation for the Common Good” brings together two critical discipline...
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE
EM 29/05/2024
O presente guia, juntamente com as fontes aqui indicadas, ajudará os doadores a preparar o terreno ...
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE
EM 02/05/2024
Ainda que duas instituições possam partilhar a mesma missão, a forma como buscam concretizá-la p...
Nonprofit Quarterly, Proximate e Philó
EM 08/03/2024
Conforme o campo filantrópico brasileiro se desenvolve, torna-se comum a procura de referências do...
Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) and National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP)
EM 02/01/2024
This series, presented in partnership with the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP...
Instituto para o Desenvolvimento do Investimento Social (IDIS) e Coalizão pelos Fundos Filantrópicos
EM 02/01/2024
Esta é a segunda edição da iniciativa inédita que conta com informações de endowments brasilei...
Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose (CECP)
EM 12/12/2023
Giving in Numbers: 2023 Edition examines 2022 trends in corporate community investments and employee...
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE
EM 19/09/2023
Não raramente as fundações acabam atrapalhando as organizações da sociedade civil (OSC) na exec...
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project e GIFE
EM 13/09/2023
A filantropia baseada em confiança é uma abordagem holística que considera centrais os valores fo...
Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity (PRE)
EM 03/08/2023
“Grantmaking with a Racial Justice Lens: A Practical Guide” provides grantmakers with reflection...
European Funders for Social Change and Human Rights (Ariadne), Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN) and Gender Funders CoLab
EM 05/03/2023
These principles are intended to help funders align their grantmaking practices with human rights va...
Stanford Social Innovation Review Brasil
EM 16/02/2022
Entrevistas com doadores millennials do universo das startups do Vale do Silício e conversas co...
The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
EM 03/11/2021
This guide outlines five common myths and misperceptions that come up in discussions about trust-bas...
The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
EM 03/11/2021
How can funders approach grantee check-in meetings to foster productive relationships and glean impo...
The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
EM 03/11/2021
Oftentimes in philanthropy, people tend to think of legal considerations in the context of complianc...
The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
EM 03/11/2021
This guide outlines the top ten most frequently asked questions about how foundations can adopt a tr...
The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
EM 03/11/2021
Too often, foundations get in the way of nonprofits doing the work they know best. This can slow dow...
Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC)
EM 02/05/2020
As a first step to assisting foundations with their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) journey, P...
GrantCraft; Foundation Center
EM 10/04/2020
Most funders review more proposals than they can recommend for funding. Decision making about what t...
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO)
EM 25/03/2020
Last week, over 200 foundations signed a pledge calling upon philanthropy to loosen restrictions on ...
Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP)
EM 11/03/2020
Most economists believe the U.S. economy will enter the next recession by the end of 2021. Though th...
The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
EM 01/01/2019
The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project reimagines traditional funder-grantee relationships. They work ...
Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The
EM 10/09/2018
Various institutions have published articles and reports on topics such as the barriers to achieving...
Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The
EM 11/08/2018
The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) has collected candid, anonymous feedback over 15 years f...
Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The
EM 11/01/2018
<em>Staying Connected: How Five Foundations Understand Those They Seek to Help</em> pro...
Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The
EM 11/01/2018
Relationships Matter: Program Officers, Grantees, and the Keys to Success sheds light on what const...
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
EM 01/01/2018
It’s time to address power in philanthropy The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project reimagines traditi...
Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The
EM 11/08/2017
The role of the program officer at foundations is one of great importance. This is not news to the ...
Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP), The
EM 11/02/2016
To better understand transparency in philanthropy — both its meaning and the current state of ...
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO)
EM 11/01/2012
Identifies opportunities to strengthen grantmaking practices and extend grantee impact. Emphasizes a...
Foundation Strategy Group (FSG)
EM 11/10/2010
Over the last decade, growing numbers of nonprofit organizations and grantmakers have recognized the...